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Lola wins the Trento-Bondone hillclimb. (Picture: Marco Garbin)
Paolo Borghi, the owner of T492 HU88, tells us of a recent success for his car.
"Maybe you remember that some years ago I sent you a report of Trento-Bondone, the longest (17 Kms) European hillclimb and the first race I attended with my Lola T492.
Well, this year I entered the car, but couldn't participate due to last minute personal troubles, so I asked a friend to drive it and he quickly got the right feeling resulting in first overall in the entire Historic grid.
This is the first Lola victory in Trento since the 5 consecutive Mauro Nesti's T294 wins in the 1975-1980 period."
Click HERE to download a PDF of the final results.