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22-01-09 The Masters Series celebrates award winners.

All pictures courtesy of Simon Hildrew and Glyn Jones.

Masters Historic Racing celebrated its 2008 season winners on Saturday January 17 at the Speedmaster Conference Centre. These awards are unusual in being voted for by the Masters’ members themselves, rewarding a combination of driving skill with presentation, sporting behavior and the correct spirit.

Sports car racing is a key element of Masters Historic Racing and the World Sportscar Masters Driver of the Year award went to the rapid and versatile Scotsman Andrew Smith, who enjoyed a superb season in his Lola T70. Andrew’s versatility was highlighted by him racing Jaguar E-Types, Lola T70s and a Formula 1 Hesketh in 2008!

Summary of 2008 Award Winners
Grand Prix Masters Driver of the Year – Manfredo Rossi di Montelera
World Sportscar Master Driver of the Year – Andrew Smith
Sports Racing Master Driver of the Year – Andrew and Mark Owen
Gentleman Drivers GT and Sports Endurance Driver of the Year – Keith Ahlers and James Bellinger
Top Hat Driver of the Year – John Young
Cloth Cap Driver of the Year – Chris Scragg
Oldies but Goldies Driver of the Year – Richard Postins
Stars of the 70s Driver of the Year – Henry Mann
Spirit of the Year – Roger Wills and Michael Pearson
Preparer of the Year – Steve Farthing of Wren Classics

Below are a selection of shots of Andrew Smith and his victorious T70 at the Brands Hatch Masters event in April 2008.



