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Over the years a number of Lolas have been converted to road cars but a S2000 T492 is an unusual choice.

Andy Nixon is the new owner of T492 HU67 and he tells us of his plans for his interesting new acquisition.

"I have just moved T492 HU76, which I acquired at the end of last year, to our new address, and washed it off to see what I have got.

I did obtain a little history with it, including some photos in its original (?) Dutch Zandvoort paint scheme. I believe it was then hillclimbed in the Channel Islands, en route to SW England where it was put into road-going form....

I have done nothing to it yet, apart from carry out a brief "pre-MOT", remove a rather ugly rear spoiler and change a driveshaft boot. Our new house needs the drive fettling to allow the car to get in and out of the garage without grounding, but my plan is to MOT it and run it for a few weeks as is, as it seems a bit of fun and is a once in a lifetime chance, I guess. Another practical issue is the approach lane to the rather remote house which is about to have 3 weeks of council work to it to counter flooding etc.

At some point (winter?) I will start on the restoration but have no clear plan/timescales currently.

It currently has a 2.1litre breathed on (?) Pinto with twin 45 Webers, a handbrake (of course), horn, all the necessary lights (I am very unconvinced by the treatment of the headlights), 2 seats, carpeting throughout and lots of other mods. to undo eventually."



