

A superb gathering of current and former Formula 5000 drivers was the highlight of the HSCC stand at the Autosport Show. Over twenty drivers and personalities from the halcyon days of Formula 5000 took part in the gathering on Friday 15th January together with a fine display of cars including two Lola T332s.

Attendees, pictured on the right, included; Ray Allen, Derek Bell, Clive Baker, Chris Craft, Bob Evans, Divina Galica, Neil Glover, Willie Green, Michael Lyons, Richard Piper, Marcus Pye, Gordon Spice, Patrick Sumner, Steve Thompson, Mike Walker, Mike Wilds, Cyd Williams Matthew Wurr and former Lola Chief Engineer Bob Marston.

Bob commented “It has been a wonderful day; I am delighted to have met with many friends and former sparring partners from the Formula 500 championships. I enjoyed the privilege of presenting the Lola Trophy at last year’s Oulton Park Gold Cup and am amazed at the very high standards of preparation and presentation shown by the competing teams.” Bob regularly provides pearls of wisdom to Glyn Jones at Lola Cars to ensure the best possible response and advice to enquiries from car owners. “Bob’s memory is amazing, give him a few old spec sheets or a drawing to trigger the grey matter and the stories just flow forth” commented Glyn.

HSCC Chairman Chris Sharples, said “I am very proud of today's achievement by our Executive Director Grahame White and the office team in gathering together such an august body of personalities. The smiles and laughter over the last couple of hours have made all the effort worthwhile”.

Pictures courtesy of Pete Austin and Jakob Ebury.

Bob Marston chats to Derek Bell.