

Visiting Lola Cars yesterday Jan Charouz received a rapturous reception from the staff of the Huntingdon based constructor. Hot footing from his 2nd year exams at London University, the rapid Czech youngster was in fine spirits and spent the afternoon signing autographs for the 240 strong Lola workforce. He also met Lola MD's Rupert Manwaring and Andrew Manahan who extended the firms best wishes for the remainder of the season.

Jan was chomping at the bit to sample La Sarthe again with his Aston Martin powered Lola LMP1 Coupe but took time to make a contribution to the filming of a 50th anniversary documentary for Lola.

By coincidence, whilst Jan was at the factory, Lola's aero team were beginning an intense development programme in the on-site windtunnel for both low and high downforce updates.

Looking further ahead, Lola are expecting to sell at least another two Coupes before the end of the current season.

All Pictures Lola Heritage.