Lola Executive Chairman Martin Birrane gives an exclusive interview detailing this years Lola F1 project and what the future holds for the Lola MB01 design.
What were the main attractions earlier this year for you to take Lola back in-to Formula One?
Martin Birrane - “The initial attraction was the cost capping proposals that the FIA said they would make for 2010. We were advised of this policy very early on, probably in January or February 2009, and we immediately started making plans for an entry.
“The new teams in 2010 would be able to compete with established teams because of the performance breaks that were originally on offer. The facts were that the F1 landscape had to change. Therefore the new teams to Formula One in 2010 would have been able to compete against established teams. Lola has always been regarded as a ‘true racers’ organisation and we would have ensured that this reputation was upheld.
“The timing was as right for Lola to return to Formula One. The investment in new infrastructure and technology has prepared us to build a competitive Formula One car and we are still well prepared to achieve this.“
What work did Lola carry out ahead of the FIA’s decision in June?
“It would be fair to say that we did a significant amount of F1 project assessment ahead of the announcement. The reasons we did this were that we wanted to compete at a high level and not just make up the numbers. The lead times in getting a completely new Formula One project off the ground is 9-12 months if you want to be competitive with the established teams.
“In June we had already undertaken an initial windtunnel programme and completed two weeks of evaluation on the 50% scale model. We had started to upgrade our assembly facilities (these were completed in September) and the framework of the Lola Formula One Team was in place. We would most certainly have had a car testing in December 2009.
“At present our LMP programme is benefiting from these upgrades in all departments and the 2010 spec LMP1 and LMP2s are going to be very special as a result of this.“
What communications did Lola have with the FIA in the run up to the announcement in June?
“We were in regular touch with Max and Bernie, as well as Tony Purnell, who appeared to be in charge of the whole process. The relationship with both FOM and the FIA was good throughout. Of course there was disappointment when it was announced that we were to be essentially reserves along with AMR/Prodrive, but Lola continues to have a constructive relationship and regular dialogue with these organisations.“
What are your thoughts on the process that the FIA went through in identifying the three successful applicants?
“I do not think that technical capabilities were given sufficient consideration in the process. From commercial, accounting and sporting matters, everything seemed very thorough indeed. However, messages that we got from the FIA were that everything at Lola was in line with their standards and that of an organisation intent on being competitive in Formula One. It remains to be seen whether the three new teams that were selected then can achieve more than just ‘also ran’ status.“
What is your opinion of N-Technology’s on-going legal action against the FIA?
“Well, Lola had an invitation to join this action but refused. What I will say is that Lola certainly spent more than any of the new teams in getting an F1 project started. It was a risk but one that we were willing to take.
“The more positive way to look at the situation now is to ensure that we have the strength in depth to be successful when the opportunity arises again, which we are convinced it will do.“
What is the current status of the Lola Formula One programme? Are Lola actively looking to re-ignite it?
“We remain in a state of readiness to re-enter Formula One. During 2010 it can be re-activated very quickly indeed. We have the model and base data, production and project plans, a completed chassis bonding jig. We have also kept on some key personnel that were hired for the original plan.
“Should the opening arise, then Lola is the only company who can fill a space on the grid very quickly with a well designed and competitive F1 car. For 2011, the F1 team personnel cap of 280 will come in to force. We certainly welcome that as it fits almost perfectly with the current operation we have in Huntingdon.
“A Lola Formula One Team would welcome the opportunity to compete in the 2011 World Championship. It could be ready, able and willing to re-activate the programme at any time."
Were Lola given any directives within the programme by external parties? Were Lola forced in to signing a multi-year agreement with Cosworth?
“Like all the other serious teams, Lola investigated a supply from the FOTA engine manufacturers. The fact was that there were none available. Cosworth engines were available and we were pleased to commit to a contract and pay a deposit. I would say that we also had some external encouragement to do this but there was no real pressure exerted on us.“
Why do you think that Lola were not chosen to be one of the three new entrants in Formula One for 2010?
“It was something of a mystery to us at first but clearly we were to some extent being used as pawns between the FIA and FOTA.“
What effect did the FOTA vs FIA conflict have on Lola’s planned entry in-to Formula One? And why did Lola withdraw from the process the week after being notified that you were on the official reserve list?
“The conflict was very disturbing to us and certainly one potential investor was completely put off by it. We decided to withdraw our application because we did not wish to be used in this political dispute. There was so much infighting and uncertainty at that stage and all we wanted to do was go racing.“
Are Lola willing to sell the 2009 F1 project?
“At present we are not looking at this option because we believe that another opportunity will arise for Lola F1.“
Commercially speaking, how was Lola going to finance the Formula One operation?
“The first phase of the project was underwritten by myself under the proviso that the original £30-£40 million would be ratified. It was to be a totally separate company from Lola Cars and that was confirmed in my mind very early on. I would be the only shareholder and the only one funding it initially. We were also in serious discussion with two separate investors.“
All pictures Lola Heritage.

Lola Executive Chairman Martin Birrane.

CAD model of the Lola F1 project.

Wind tunnel model of the Lola F1 project.

The recently opened new assembly area at the Lola factory.