#5 – Swiss Spirit Lola B07/10-Audi
Drivers: Jean-Denis Deletraz (CH), Iradj-Alexander David (CH), Marcel Fassler (CH)
Position after 6 hours: 50th overall; 14th in class

Swiss Spirit’s first Le Mans with the potent Lola-Audi combination took a severe set back at just after 19.00 with a fuel pressure problem.

Prior to stopping just after the Porsche Curves, the team’s trio of drivers had demonstrated the enormous potential of the Audi engined Lola B07/10 in the early exchanges. Marcel Fassler started the race and instantly started to cut through the rest of the LMP1 petrol engine field. Starting from 14th place on the grid, Fassler got up to as high as 7th position before heavy rain meant a change to wet weather tyres. However, with the ever changing conditions the team soon had to swap back to slicks.

At 16.30 on a greasy track Fassler spun off at the Dunlop Chicane and lost time as he rejoined. Bringing the Michelin shod car in for its first change shortly after this incident, Jean-Denis Deletraz took over but also suffered a harmless spin.

When Iradj Alexander-David took over the car was running quickly again but in the early stages of his stint, Alexander stopped on the circuit with the fuel pressure problem. Just before the six hour mark Alexander managed to get the car back to the pits and the team set about trying to get the car back in to the race. However it had lost over two hours at this stage.

Best Time: 3m37.493s on lap 8

#15 – Charouz Racing System Lola B07/17-Judd

Drivers: Alex Yoong (MAL), Stefan Mucke (D), Jan Charouz (CZ)
Position after 6 hours: 6th overall

The Charouz Racing System team were positioned in a brilliant 6th place overall after 6 hours of racing at Le Mans tonight.

The Judd powered Lola B07/17 had a great start to the race with ex F1 racer Alex Yoong coping expertly with the tricky dry/wet/dry conditions.

Stefan Mucke was making significant progress inside the top 10 in the third and fourth hours, proving to be spectacularly quick in the drying conditions. The German encountered a spectacular problem in his first scheduled stop when a small fuel fire saw him leap from the cockpit, only to be told to continue after the brief fuel fire was rapidly extinguished by the ever professional Charouz team.

“I was flying in my stint and enjoying it so much. The conditions were still drying and that is these are the conditions that I enjoy, especially in the Lola, which has fantastic grip.

When I came in for the stop I felt heat on my overalls and I got out pretty quick! Then Marcus (team-boss – Sarach) told me to get back in the cockpit. But then I came in early to hand over to Jan (Charouz) because the extinguisher had got in to my helmet and I had to catch my breath a lot. I went to see the medical guy and he was cool and I have absolutely no problems now.”

Jan Charouz carried on the excellent progress of the Lola-Judd to ensure that the car was in a solid 6th on the same laps as the 5th placed Pescarolo-Judd.

Best Time: 3m36.746s (Stefan Mucke)

#39 – Chamberlain-Synergy Lola B07/10-AER
Drivers: Bob Berridge (GB), Peter Owen (GB), Gareth Evans (GB)
Position after 6 hours: 44th overall; 12th in class

The Chamberlain Synergy Lola B07/10- AER driven by Bob Berridge experienced a puncture on the first lap, with the force of the blow triggering damage to the rear light. Berridge steered the yellow colours of the Chamberlain Synergy LMP2 back to the pits to change the tyre.

The team’s difficult start to the race also saw some small mechanical problems. With the water temperatures fluctuating, team boss Hugh Chamberlain took advance of the safety car being on the track to bring the team in to fix the fault immediately.

Peter Owen, the Chamberlain driver summed up the opening 4 hours, “We had a puncture on the opening lap. The pit crew have been kept busy and they’ve been doing a marvellous job. With 18 hours to go, there is still a lot to play for. We will stick to the game plan, which is to keep making laps around 3.50.”

The Oxfordshire based squad are showing both their and the Lola’s resilience in creeping up the leaderboard as the race entered the second quarter.

Best Time: 3m42.471s (Bob Berridge)


#25 – RML MG-Lola EX264 AER
Drivers: Mike Newton (GB), Tommy Erdos (BRA), Andy Wallace (GB)
Position after 6 hours: 46th overall; 9th in class

Thomas Erdos got the RML MG-Lola EX264 AER off to a good start, registering his best lap of the opening stint on lap 7, recording a time of 3.46.634. After lap 25 Erdos took his second stop, with the Brazilian swapping over with team mate Andy Wallace.

With barely a lap under his belt, a faulty crank sensor forced him to park the RML on the side of the track. The former Le Mans winner used his vast experience to get the car going again. Wallace was finding a good rhythm, and was the fastest P2 driver on the track, prior to spinning off at the Porsche Curves, sliding the car into the barriers. The car was towed out of the gravel onto the public roads, enabling Wallace to bring the RML car back to the pits around 4 hours 10 minutes into the race. An accolade to the strength of the Lola chassis, the excellent RML mechanics were able to repair all four corners of the MG-Lola in just 50 minutes to keep the team’s hopes alive as they embark on a historic assault to make it a hat-trick of LMP2 Le Mans straight wins.

Andy Wallace, “The car was running really well, then it snapped right, then snapped left as I was coming into Porsche Curves and I was flying in backwards as the car hit the barrier. It’s a long race so we’ll continue fighting for a top finish.”

Best Time: 3m46.634s (Tommy Erdos)

#31 – Binnie Motorsport Lola B05/40 Zytek

Drivers: Bill Binnie (USA), Allen Timpany (GB), Chris Buncombe (GB)
Position after 6 hours: 17th overall; 3rd in class

Last years LMP2 runners-up, Binnie Motorsports ran faultlessly in the first quarter of the race and were in a secure 3rd place in the LMP2 class when the team’s fastest qualifying driver, Chris Buncombe started his stint at 20.30 hrs.

Earlier, Bill Binnie and Allen Timpany had each successfully completed lengthy stints without drama in the Zytek powered Lola B05/40. On Kumho tyres, Binnie had started cautiously and had stayed out of trouble as many of his competitors encountered problems.

Allen Timpany had enjoyed a similar trouble free double stint in the early evening before handing over to Le Mans rookie Buncombe, who was impatient to sample dusk at Le Mans.

“Bill and Allen have done a really great job in treacherous conditions,” said 28 year old Buncombe just before his stint. “I have the special visor for the setting sun and I feel confident that we can continue with this progress and stay out of significant problems then we will be in a really great position.”

Best Time: 3m51.429s

Quifel-ASM Team Lola B05/40 AER
Drivers: Warren Hughes (GB), Miguel Amaral (P), Miguel Angel De Castro (P)
Position after 6 hours: 13th overall; 2nd in class

The Portuguese team had been one of the stars of the qualifying period at Le Mans and that form continued in to the opening stages of the race as they led the LMP2 class convincingly in the first four hours.

Warren Hughes did a superb triple stint in the first three hours, making light of a small electrical problem that occasionally stuck his pit lane limiter on. The former Lola-MG works driver was lapping faster than any of his rivals and stayed out on slick tyres under the first safety car period.

Handing over to Miguel Amaral in the third hour and then Miguel Angel De Castro, the Dunlop shod car ended the first six hours in a close 2nd place in class but a pit stop ahead of the leading Zytek LMP2.

“It is a good, solid start to the race for us,” said Hughes after his stint. “We had an issue early on but we overcame that fine. The car is good and reasonably consistent in the variable conditions and if we can keep to this programme then we will be in really great shape.”

Best Time: 3m44.993s


#5 – Swiss Spirit Lola B07/10-Audi
Drivers: Jean-Denis Deletraz (CH), Iradj-Alexander David (CH), Marcel Fassler (CH)
Position after 12 hours: Retired

Swiss Spirit were forced to retire from the Le Mans 24 Hours just before midnight, after the electrical problem had stopped the car on the circuit earlier in the evening, which could not be resolved.

“I was stuck in 6th gear and it turned out that this was caused by a problem with the electrical system,” said Iradj Alexander-David. “ I went back out but the throttle started sticking and we had to stop the car. It is really a shame because Marcel (Fassler) showed that we could be the fastest petrol engine LMP1 car.”

The team will now get ready for the Nürburgring 1000kms in two weeks time where they will be looking to follow up on a brilliant debut 3rd place on their debut at Valencia in April.

#15 – Charouz Racing System Lola B07/17-Judd
Drivers: Alex Yoong (MAL), Stefan Mucke (D), Jan Charouz (CZ)
Position after 12 Hours: 6th overall; 6th in class

After overcoming a small pit fire, a spin and two punctures earlier in the race, the Charouz Racing System team consolidated their top six position and had even ran 5th at one stage in the evening.

With conditions fully dry between 9pm and 3am, the Charouz drivers lapped consistently in the late 3m30’s and early 3m40’s and revelled in the handling and reliability of the Lola B07/17 Judd.

All three drivers completed triple stints and enjoyed the performance of both the car and the Michelin tyres. With the Peugeot of Sebastien Bourdais recovering from an earlier problem, the Charouz Lola relinquished 5th place. However, the team’s Sporting Manager, Sam Hignett was delighted with the way their race was developing.

“The car has been terrific so far and apart from the early race incidents we have a great pace and terrific reliability. All three of our drivers are giving really good accounts of themselves at this stage. We are happy but we are only at half way.”

At 3am the Charouz Lola was on the same lap as the number 8 Peugeot diesel LMP1 with Jan Charouz on the last leg of his triple stint.

Best Time: 3m35.510s (Stefan Mucke)

#39 – Chamberlain-Synergy Lola B07/10-AER
Drivers: Bob Berridge (GB), Peter Owen (GB), Gareth Evans (GB)
Position after 12 hours: 40th overall; 12th in class

The Chamberlain Synergy Lola B07/10 - AER team completed a determined second quarter of the 2007 Le Mans 24 Hours, positioned in 12th place in the LMP1 class at the half way point. All three drivers were involved in a recovery drive after losing time with various problems in the first 12 hours of the race.

Hugh Chamberlain summed up the team’s evening session, “We’ve been having a series of mechanical gremlins, which have all been minor problems, but they’ve been adding up. We were all expecting a wet and nasty race, which thankfully hasn’t materialised yet. There is still a long way to go, so it’s up to the drivers to look after the car and they have been doing a great job. It’s important that they remain careful and keep aware of their surroundings.”

Best Time: 3m42.471s (Bob Berridge)


#25 – RML MG-Lola EX264 AER
Drivers: Mike Newton (GB), Tommy Erdos (BRA), Andy Wallace (GB)
Position after 6 hours: 35th overall; 6th in class

The RML MG-Lola EX264 AER team has enjoyed a solid run throughout the evening and early morning session at Le Mans, recovering from an accident that befell Andy Wallace in the 4th hour.

Phil Barker, Team Manager for RML was very satisfied with the progress made with the Huntingdon built LMP2 racer. “We’ve been consistently making good times throughout the evening stints, without any dramas. It seems to be the turn of the other P2 cars of falling into trouble. The car is running well, but we’re conscious that that there is still 12 hours to go. We need to remain sensible, so we can keep this pace.”

RML were positioned in 35th overall at 3am and were looking forward to making more progress in the second half of the race.

Best Time: 3m46.634s (Tommy Erdos)

#31 – Binnie Motorsport Lola B05/40 Zytek
Drivers: Bill Binnie (USA), Allen Timpany (GB), Chris Buncombe (GB)
Position after 6 hours: 16th overall; 1st in class

The Anglo/American Binnie Motorsport team led the LMP2 class at 3am after a trouble free race for the trio of team owner and driver, Bill Binnie, Allen Timpany and Chris Buncombe.

The Lola-Zytek took control of the LMP2 class just before midnight with both Binnie and Timpany having completed clean and consistent stints. Timpany, who tasted success with the team last year when they were runners-up to the RML Lola-MG, was delighted with the way the car was running.

“We are staying out of trouble and the car is going very well indeed,” said Timpany. “I enjoyed my night stints despite lots of distraction lights around the circuit but that just takes a little getting used to. All in all we look to be in good shape so we will just continue with our race plan which is to look after the car and ourselves.”

Racing on Kumho tyres the Lola-Zytek LMP2 was positioned in a solid 16th position overall and a lap ahead of the Del Bello Courage.

Best Time: 3m51.008s (Buncombe)

#40 Quifel-ASM Team Lola B05/40 AER
Drivers: Warren Hughes (GB), Miguel Amaral (P), Miguel Angel De Castro (P)
Position after 12 Hours: Retired

After a superb opening 6 hours in which they led the LMP2 class comfortably, the Quifel-ASM squad endured a busy yet frustrating period between 11pm and 3am.

With Warren Hughes at the wheel and a commanding lead in LMP2 when a problem with the right rear caused him to stop at Tertre Rouge when the wheel became detached. In communication with the team, Hughes worked wonders to ensure that he locked the differential to give him enough drive to return to the pits.

“We had a loose wheel earlier in the race but coming out of the Dunlop chicane the right rear came off,” said Hughes. “ I spoke with the team and was able to get back to the pits but we have lost a lot of time. It is such a shame as we were really running a good race.”

Getting back in to the race at half past midnight, Hughes completed his triple stint before handing over to Miguel Amaral. At 01.55 the Portuguese racer went off at the Porsche Curves, damaging the front of the Lola B05/40-AER.

At just before 3am the team were forced to officially retire the car from the race as a result of the problems.

Best Time: 3m44.993s (Hughes)


RML’s hopes of completing an unprecedented hat-trick of LMP2 wins in the Le Mans 24 Hours literally went up in smoke at 09:53 on Sunday morning, when the MG Lola EX264’s AER turbocharged engine blew a piston along the Mulsanne.

It ended a dream that had still been very much alive only moments before, after the team had worked with such determination and skill to recover what had looked to be a lost cause. Fifteen hours previously the MG had been involved in a heavy accident at the entry to the Porsche Curves, part-way through Andy Wallace’s second stint. Following an extended pitstop of 52 minutes to carry out major repairs, the car occupied “dead last” position. Since that time the #25 car had moved smoothly through the night to reach 20th overall and second in LMP2 – an occasion Thomas Erdos marked at just after nine o’clock by setting a new fastest lap of 3:45.773 for the RML AD Group entry.

In many respects, it had been as uneventful a process as any team could wish for. Between them Mike Newton and Thomas Erdos had filled in the darkest hours, each completing triple stints at the wheel and thereby allowing Andy Wallace a well-earned rest.

Although bruised and suffering from the effects of concussion, Andy is well. He had been offered the choice of whether or not he wished to drive again today, but had not recovered sufficiently well to do so before the car retired. “The car was running so well,” said Mike Newton. “Our main challenge had been to see how best to manage the driving stints. Tommy and I shared the last twelve hours, and would have continued to do so through to the finish, if that had been necessary.” Mike was not to be given that opportunity. Only minutes after taking on his next stint, the engine blew in a most spectacular fashion.

There was an air of universal dejection within the team. “It would have been better if this had happened when we were fiftieth, not second,” said Phil Barker, Team Manager.

Ray Mallock, Chief Executive and Founder of RML, was stunned. “It had been great to see the car recovering so strongly through the night. Mike and Tommy did a fantastic job, taking on the burden of all the driving between them, and this is the cruellest bad luck.”

Adam Wiseberg, Motorsport Director of AD Group, the principal partner in RML’s sportscar programme, was devastated. “The team did such a remarkable job to get the car back into the race, and Mike and Tommy drove splendidly to recover so much lost ground. They deserved better, but this is Le Mans, and as we know, anything can happen. We have been fortunate to win here twice before, and we’ll be back again.”


Lola celebrated an unprecedented fourth consecutive Le Mans LMP2 class victory today, as Binnie Motorsports crossed the chequered flag after 24 hours of untroubled racing at the world’s toughest motor race.

The Anglo/American trio of team principal Bill Binnie and fellow drivers Allen Timpany and Chris Buncombe negotiated the fabled La Sarthe circuit without significant stoppages to register the Huntingdon constructors fourth win in succession and the fifth in seven years. As well as taking the LMP2 victory, the blue and white Lola finished 18th overall.

The Lola B05/40 Zytek did not skip a beat during the gruelling event and finished a full 17 laps ahead of their nearest LMP2 rival. Bill Binnie, who also tasted class success with a Lola B2K/40 in 2003 was ecstatic with his team’s performance and said: “I am not surprised that we have done so well. We were careful and well planned and that paid dividends for us. As a team everyone played their part and it is just a great, great feeling to win after such difficult conditions at the beginning and the end of the race.”

Both Bill Binnie and Allen Timpany drove a series of solid and clean stints during some poor weather at the beginning of the race and several safety car inducing accidents. Their team mate, Chris Buncombe impressed greatly in his first ever Le Mans 24 Hours and was rewarded by being chosen to cross the finishing line, triggering wild celebrations in the Binnie Motorsports pits. The team even survived a last hour electrical scare to take the chequered flag in torrential rain.

Commenting on the Lola LMP2’s reliability and strength, Chris Buncombe said: “I had no doubts about the Lola not making the finish. Everything felt right for our strategy and it all went perfectly to plan. Apart from a bit of slight contact early in the race, it was a faultless performance from the whole package and especially the team who were fantastic.”


As well as triumphing in the LMP2 class, Lola sportscars also registered notable LMP1 finishes, underlining the strength and pace of Lola’s sportscar designs.

Charouz Racing System encountered five punctures, a large accident and a pit fire but came through to finish a brilliant 8th overall and 5th in LMP1. The Judd powered car, driven by Stefan Mucke, Alex Yoong and Jan Charouz also proved to be the fastest of the petrol LMP1 cars, outpacing its rivals in the fastest lap stakes.

“We seemed to ensure more than our fair share of bad luck over the 24 hours,” said Alex Yoong after the race. “But that showed the character of the team through and through. The Lola took a real hammering but it is one tough car. To finish 5th in the LMP class is a real achievement considering all the incidents.”

The Chamberlain Synergy Lola B07/10- AER driven by Bob Berridge experienced a puncture on the first lap, with the force of the blow triggering damage to the rear light. Berridge steered the yellow colours of the Chamberlain Synergy LMP2 back to the pits to change the tyre. More problems were encountered and overcome throughout the race by the tenacious team who were delighted to register their first classification in three attempts at the endurance classic.

As the race entered the second half of the 24 hours, the Oxfordshire based squad demonstrated both their and the Lola’s resilience by making progress up the leader board. The Chamberlain Synergy Lola B07/10 - AER team eventually finished 20th overall and an excellent 7th in place.

Of the six Lola’s entered this weekend, sadly three failed to make it to the chequered flag. Swiss Spirit (Lola-Audi), Quifel-ASM (Lola-AER) and RML (MG-Lola) all retired despite some exceptional efforts by all three teams in difficult conditions.

The Binnie Motorsport drivers celebrate their LMP2 win on the Le Mans podium.
The Charouz Lola overcame a host of niggling problems including no less than 5 punctures to finish 8th overall.
(Picture Lola Heritage)
The Audi-engined Swiss Spirit car was an unfortunate retirement.
The Binnie Motorsport presses on through the Le Mans gloom.
The Charouz Lola splashes its way across the finish line.