Parts and Information T97/00

Moderators: Gerald Swan, Glyn Jones, Johan

Parts and Information T97/00

Postby Ollii » Sat Mar 14, 2009 7:28 pm

I am from Germany i hope you will understand me because my english is not so good

I have bought me an Indycar Lola T97/00 from the year 1997.
My problem is that i have no information about the technology or something.
I only know that the car was driving from an German driver called Arnd Meier.
Have someony some parts for the car or some information because I need it because the car has not a engine.
Maybe some one can say me the engine name or something like that.
I am very happy about every information
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Joined: Sat Mar 14, 2009 7:17 pm

Postby Gerald Swan » Sun Mar 15, 2009 11:25 pm

Hi Ollii, the T97/00 wasn't one of Lola's more successful Champcars, I don't think there was anything wrong with it, it just wasn't quite as good as the Reynard/Penske/Swift at the beginning of the season.

Several teams started the year with the T97/00 but when they couldn't match the speed of the other cars most of them switched to one of the other marques. However Adrian Fernandez and the Tasman Motorsport team kept using the T97/00, working with Lola to improve the car and by the end of the season at Fontana Fernandez showed there was now nothing wrong with the design when he finished third.

The Arnd Meier car was run by Project Indy and used a Ford Cosworth XD engine (the Fernandez car used a Honda Indy V8). Meier had finished 2nd in the 1996 German F3 Championship and had a best finish in the CART Championship of 12th at the Michigan Speedway.

If you speak to Glyn Jones at Lola -, he should be able to help you with technical information about the T97/00.

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Gerald Swan
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Postby Ollii » Sat Apr 11, 2009 9:02 pm

Thank you

i will write him

Does everyone kwon something about the cabeltree?
I mean the whole cabels of the car.
And maybe some knows something about the gearbox,explosiondrawing? or the name of the builder something like hewland?
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Joined: Sat Mar 14, 2009 7:17 pm

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