Lola T580 help

Moderators: Gerald Swan, Glyn Jones, Johan

Lola T580 help

Postby bretton » Thu Mar 19, 2015 9:22 am

Hello all,does anyone have paperwork or a manual for the T580 FF2000 that they could copy or e-mail me.lm looking for the guide that allows you to i.d the components of the car i.e build manual........ :?
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Re: Lola T580 help

Postby Seamus » Fri Apr 10, 2015 11:13 am

Hi, I have some photocopies for the component parts of the steering. I also have copies of T540 front and rear suspension which are similar to the T580 apart from being for bolt on wheels rather than the optional centre lock hubs. I have emailed a PDF, hopefully this the sort of thing that you are looking for. Seamus
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