
Moderators: Gerald Swan, Glyn Jones, Johan


Postby mck2 » Tue Jan 16, 2007 2:18 am

Hello, my name is Matthew Kelly and I am a graduate student in the Master of Architecture program at the University of Pennsylvania. For my current design studio project I have to conduct a thorough analysis of an automobile. I have a plastic model kit of the Lola T90-50, so I have decided to research this particular race car.

As part of the project, I have to digitally model the mechanical components of the car, but the only source that I have for this information so far is the plastic model kit itself. I have done a great deal of research on the internet and at the library, and have not found the information that I am looking for.

I would really appreciate any help that anyone might be able to provide (e.g., detailed scaled drawings), or if you can give me the name and contact information of whom I should contact to get any information about this car. Thank you for your time. I look forward to your response.

Postby Gerald Swan » Tue Jan 16, 2007 11:19 am

Hi Matthew, while doing my morning purge of the spammers I managed to accidentally erase you from the memberlist :oops:.

If you would like to login again as a new member I promise to be more careful in future :).

I haven't found much in the Lola Archives on the 90-50 other than a few photographs but I'm only just up to the T90-series of cars so there may be some more stuff that I haven't reached yet. Let me make some more enquiries at the factory and if I find anything of help to you I'll let you know.

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